I am a graduate of Master of Applied Computing (MAC) from the University Of Windsor. Worked as a Software Engineer from a Toronto based IT company and completed Student Developer Co-op term from BlackBerry, Waterloo. I have previous work experience back in India as a Software Engineer in web applications and blockchain technology at an IT company and also experience as a Junior DevOps Engineer in Freelancing. Talking about the undergraduate, I had completed B.E. Degree in Computer Engineering from the LDRP Institute of Technology and Research, Gandhinagar.


As a young kid, when I saw my father, an IT professional, typing away on his laptop and engrossed in his work, I was curious to know what it was about this black box that had his attention. Like any child, possessing immense curiosity, I too waded my way to my father’s lap and bombarded him with questions on; What was he doing? What is this box? What does it do?, etc. And I very clearly remember my father laughing softly and patiently answering my questions in the simplest manner possible. Needless to say, I was very much impressed by that black box’s capabilities, especially on realizing that it had games that I could play with. Over the years, as I explored the wide-ranging functionality of this box, it was no longer a black box to me, but rather a cleverly designed system programmed to perform specific tasks. I used to ace my computer examinations and often attended technology-related seminars to understand the rapid development going on in the industry. I was particularly drawn towards understanding how these manifold computer applications were designed and developed.


Selenium-WebDriver-API, Multicloud_GCP_AWS(Google Cloud SQL, GKE, S3), AWS_EKS_AmazonRDS_S3(Amazon EKS, RDS, S3), NOSQLITE (C++, MongoDB, Redis DB), COVIDEX - An AI Chat Bot (Natural Language Toolkit(nltk) libraries), Java Based Search Engine (Java, JSP, Servlet, JDBC, Apache Tomcat 8.0, PostgreSQL), Bookstagram (JavaScript, Python, MongoDB, JIRA), Google Maps Web Scrapper (Python, React.js, JavaScript, Chrome Driver, Selenium Driver), Social Interaction Web Application, Web Retail Platform, Cryptocurrency Exchange Development, Ethereum-Based Smart Contract on Blockchain Technology, Shoppy – "The Shopping Mall BOT" (Java, Google-Web Speech API), Course Bidding System